contact us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. 

Please be sure you enter your email correctly so that we will be able to respon to you.


2410 US Hwy 221 South
Forest City, NC, 28043


We manufacture, retail, and wholesale all kinds of outdoor products.  Concrete statuary, planters, fountains, storage buildings, outdoor furniture-(poly, cedar, pine), carports/garages, birdhouses and birdfeeders, windchimes, chimineas, Vietnamese pottery, gazebos, etc.

Carports and Garages

Need a carport, garage, RV cover, boat cover, etc?  Give us a call or come by one of our two sales lots.  We have the best prices and quality around.   All of our carports come standard with corner braces and center braces (Not standard with most companies).   We offer both 14 gauge and 12gauge framing.  We can build up to a 20ft side height, up to 60ft wide, and as long as you want.